
Cultivate & Motivate

Musings, teachings, and tips & tricks that you may find useful, thought provoking or simply amusing.

A year in review: 2021 for many has been a very rough year…we are looking forward to a brighter future.

2021: a year to remember. This year has been eventful, to say the least. We have experienced a change of presidency. Riots broke out upon the capital building. Wall Street once again broke into havoc with the new digital currency Dogecoin and the GameStop stock. Yet, the most important milestone was our continued resiliency during this coronavirus pandemic. So what’s in store for 2022.

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Exercise is Important For Well Being During The Pandemic

Although it might be tempting to miss your workout during these tough times, public health officials warn that exercise is important to your physical health and mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, while undeniably crucial under normal circumstances. 

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