Times are tough but be safe and stay healthy in 2021. Continue to keep the faith.

Staying In Shape

Burning body fats and making a healthy body stay fit is vital for every person. According to medium.com, taken from the article “Health and Fitness For Busy People”, six out of ten working Americans can not control their time to do daily exercise, a recent health study found. We are busy on a tight schedule in today's fast-paced life to reach our goal. To achieve success in life, a busy life is essential; but it is also important to properly maintain health and fitness. People have been caught up with their schedule nowadays, so they have little time to control their health. The importance of maintaining a safe and fit lifestyle has been overlooked. When you're busy, staying safe and keeping fit can be an uphill battle, but being busy doesn't mean you'll neglect your health. The easiest way to keep yourself safe and fit is to exercise and eat good meals.

Where To Start

For people who are busy, in order to remain healthy and on top of your work as well, there are some exercises you can do at home and also in the workplace. Before you get out of bed, you should do an energizing routine at home, and also even do basic stretches at your work- space such as: 

  • London bridge

  • Planking squats

  • Hand walk-out 

  • Head turning

  • Neck bending

  • Lunges 

  • Chair squats

  • Quick Feet

  • Side bend

  • Fast feet

  • Chest opener

 These different exercises help you not to feel stuffy when you are working. Moreover, if you are not running late for work, consider ascending the stairs instead of using the elevator if you are only going to the second or third floor. Take a break for a moment if you feel exhausted and then continue.

What’s The Next Step

The next and most important step is, the management of your eating.The next advice is to be mindful of your body-in-take, which will help you maintain a safe and fit body. If you are too busy doing something and have no time to eat properly, you prefer to buy ready-made food. There are also days when, as long as you can fill your stomach, you do not care if the food you consume is good. Ignoring proper nutritional habits, such as obesity, can lead to severe health risks. Keep in mind that one of the most important aspects of maintaining good health is the food you put into your body because it serves as our personal fuel. You need to eat nutritious foods such as fruit, vegetables, or you can follow the food pyramid and the balanced meal plan. And if you just don't have the time to make nutritious food for yourself, there are restaurants that serve healthy food.

Eating proper foods and exercising would be a great help to remain healthy and active, as described above, but there is one more thing that you should remember and that is getting a decent quality of sleep. Depriving yourself from sleeping can affect your way of living.This causes a person who is still awake in the middle of the night to overeat and indulge in unhealthy foods, being overweight because of unfinished business at work or school. In the body, we have hormones that help us absorb the food we consume, but if we eat too much, it gets deregulated so that it does not function properly. When this happens, we get more of the deprivation hormone that allows us to consume more than we need. Another is that not getting sufficient sleep will lead to poor exercise efficiency. Participating in quality sleep will lead to more energy that helps you during the day to be alert and strong.

Be The Change You Want To Become

An individual with good health and fitness is able to live to the fullest extent of his or her life. To live a safe and happy life, it is important for a person in life to be physically and mentally fit. Even if you are busy, you have to make time to exercise, track the quality of your sleep and be mindful of your body intake. There are a number of advantages to becoming safe and fit, such as being less susceptible to medical conditions and becoming stress-free. We at times have to be able to look at ourselves and realize when change is needed; good change that is and take on the challenge of being a better you in the best way you know how to. In this life, you don’t better who you are by sitting around trying to find excuses to not, get up and be much better than who you were the day before. As individuals we fail to realize that our body is the temple of God so we need to take good care of it.


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