Covid Fitness & Wellness

The pandemic we have all experienced as a collective over the past number of months has produced an especially arduous era. These times are, at best, aberrative and can inspire feelings of inertia. Advisers and public officials have encouraged finding “a flow,” which is really argot for finding a comfortable and healthy routine. Routine is defined by Merriam-Webster as, “habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure.” Establishing procedure during this time, forming healthy habits, is important—as one finds it very easy during these times to find themselves ineffectual. It is all the more important to strive towards activities that are meritorious. 

Here are six undertakings you can endeavor on during these times:

  1. Free Journaling

    Partial as this may seem, participating in journalism myself, this is a great way to exercise vulnerability and really see and understand your feelings. These forms of expressions of thought are great ways to gauge our feelings during times where we may be confused or have feelings of anxiety.

  2. Reading

    Reading is the simplest of the list and possibly the most innocuous of the list. It exerts barely any real physicality and allows one to transport themselves anywhere from the confines of their home. Experts recommend, at the very minimum, 15-30 minutes a day. Finding subjects you’re interested in while simultaneously exercising literacy is a definite win-win. Reading makes itself all the more scarce during a time where the country’s literacy rates have fallen exponentially. It becomes, at once, a hobby of rarity and a very significant one as well. 

  3. Jogging

    Physical activity should not be undermined as well during these times. As aforementioned, the atmosphere of our times can render us inactive. Housebound for months on end, ordering delivery can allow most of us from even taking 10 steps all day. As encouraged before, life is really about finding your space of healthy comfortability. The space of comfortability you find yourself in shouldn’t be torpid. Jogging is a great form of exercise, and more generally, running in all of its forms. Distance running and tempo running are also viable forms of running one can take up during this time. This activity will not only allow you fresh air, but obligatory exercise around your own community.

  4. Biking 

    Another activity to allow you to experience your community while concurrently getting physical exercise, biking is a great physical activity and hobby to take up. Whether going the distance or creating a fixed biking route, it is an excellent exercise and great skill to practice

  5. Yoga

    Like numbers 3 &4 yet still somewhat different, yoga is another physical activity, or perhaps a different type of physical activity. Studies have shown that people practicing yoga find themselves more relaxed than usual and seperate it from the super-speed, sweat-inducing exhaustion they are used to associating with exercise. This is a great zen and space of comfortability to find during these times, as it promotes peace and tranquility while also getting you physically and, curiously, mentally active, encouraging meditation and mental exercise as well as physical. 

  6. Cooking

    A skill you can carry outside of quarantine, cooking is all the more essential in a time where we can become so immersed in the order delivery domain. Research shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans have no knowledge of how to cook. The kitchen is slowly becoming something of an antiquated relic. Employ yourself in your own kitchen by learning simple meals. Acquiring knowledge of basic spaghetti and stew recipes will prove to be beneficial in the long run.


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