What is Water Conservation?

Water conservation refers to the preservation, control, and development of water resources, both surface and groundwater, and the prevention of pollution. (Ref.https://stats.oecd.org/glossary/detail.asp?ID=2903 ) Water conservation is important because we need to be able to protect the environment by keeping the water as clean and pure as possible. By conserving water, we make it our mission to use our water supplies responsibly and sensibly. All living things on this earth need water to survive and thrive therefore it is our responsibility to understand how to keep our water supplies clean and pure, and definitely away from things like pollution. 

What are some different types of water conservation around the world?

In urban areas, one major conservation method is the Reuse of Urban Waste. As cities are being created under this great demand for urbanization, a lot don’t have plans for their wastewater. So without these plans, wastewater starts polluting water sources. One beneficial way this wastewater can be used is by letting the wastewater be treated then be used for agricultural purposes. Another water conservation method is Flood Management. A big portion of our freshwater source in the world gets diminished because of flooding, particularly in India. Things like forestation which would allow the water to be absorbed by the soil and water drain would help flood management. One other type of water conservation is the Conservation of Water in Industries. Around 23 percent of freshwater from the earth is utilized by industries. These industries either use the water for their business or pollute it. Industries can cut back on their freshwater utilization by simply recycling used water.  Ref. https://www.biologydiscussion.com/articles/13-outstanding-water-conservation-methods/2435 

Water conservation facts and statistics?

  • You can use 15 gallons of water in the duration of a 10-minute shower if you use a low-flow showerhead.

  • Less than 2% of the Earth's water supply is freshwater.

  • Out of all the world’s water sources, only 1% of the Earth’s water is accessible for drinking.

  • One leaky faucet can cause you to lose 100 gallons of water a day

  • Around 97.5% of the Earth’s water is saltwater 

Ref. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/water-conservation-tips



How can you reuse wastewater?

  • Using a shower bucket

  • Reuse excess drinking water

  • Reuse water from cooking

  • Create a rain garden

  • Collect runoff rainwater from your roof

  • Water your garden with pasta water

How can you help conserve water in your household?

  • Check for leaks in your sprinkler, faucets, appliances, and toilets

  • Take shorter showers, and stop taking baths

  • Use less water when doing laundry

  • Put a bottle filled with water and sand in your toilet tanks

  • Don’t use your toilet as a wastebasket

  • Practice smart lawn watering

  • Turn off the water while shaving and brushing your teeth

Why is water conservation necessary?

One reason Water Conservation is necessary is that there is an unequal distribution of water in a lot of countries. This means a lot of the population is facing an undersupply of water. Another reason why conserving water is so important is that it keeps our water supply clean and pure. Also, water conservation helps preserve our environment

What does your water footprint say about you?


Sustainability: Recycling


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